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PCSC Cruising Group
PCSC Cruising Group
Port Cygnet and the Channel are one of Australia's premier cruising grounds, and given the number of "dormant" cruising yachts in the area, PCSC has re-energised the Cruising Division, concentrating on "on water" activities as well as social participation at the Clubhouse. Our objective is to provide Cruising members with a wider range of activities so they can drop their moorings and get more from their boats.
The prime focus for the past season has been through a "Cruising Division Rendezvous Night", to get the social side up and running and then build the on-water activities as member interest and numbers increased. The Rendezvous Night is held on the first Tuesday of each month with bar service, a BYO barbecue from 6pm and a specialist speaker at 7.30pm. To date there has been an average attendance of between 40-50 members each night! What a great success!!
The on-water side of the Cruising Division is communicated through a WhatsApp group. Some of the activities are included in the Events section of PCSC's website, but If you would like to join the WhatsApp group please contact Jeff Rowe, Captain, PCSC Cruising Division on 0414236337 or send him an email on rowejeffrey4020@gmail.com
A Gallery of our Cruising pictures is HERE