Functions and Club Hire


Functions and Club Hire

The Clubhouse provides a comfortable space for social activities, information evenings and the Junior Sail training classes that are conducted throughout the year.

The facilities are available for hire, however, as our Club is run by volunteers, hiring of the club will depend on your individual requirements and the availability of volunteers to assist. Additionally, a condition of our Licence stipulates that the person who is hosting the function must be a member of the Club. This condition does not apply to functions held on behalf of not-for-profits or Community Service Clubs, however we are restircted in the number of times and frequency of when such groups want to hold functions.

Contact our Rear Commodore,
Simone John, for details.

The Club facilities include:

Bathrooms and Showers
Disabled Bathroom
BBQ Area
Jetty / Pontoon

An information sheet and application form regarding club facility hire is available for download here

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